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File Created: 08-May-2015 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  14-Jul-2021 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name OLIVER NORTH, TWO GOAT Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 103I089
Status Showing NTS Map 103I16W
Latitude 054º 49' 16'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 128º 15' 11'' Northing 6075141
Easting 547993
Commodities Gold, Silver, Copper Deposit Types L01 : Subvolcanic Cu-Ag-Au (As-Sb)
D03 : Volcanic redbed Cu
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Oliver North occurrence is located on ridge separating Oliver and Little Oliver creeks, approximately 2.8 kilometres northeast of the Skeena River and 40.5 kilometres northeast of Terrace, B.C.

The area is underlain by volcanic rocks of the lower Jurassic Upper Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group). The strata, which dips gently eastwards, consists of a lower, massive rhyolite unit; a diabase-basalt unit; a 20 to 50 metre thick fractured, rusty, buff-coloured rhyolite unit; and a massive, mauve coloured rhyolite unit.

Locally, a malachite stained dacitic intrusive with quartz veins and magnetite hosts pyrite and chalcopyrite. In 2008, a rock sample of sub-crop (OL0014) assayed 1.56 grams per tonne gold, 12 grams per tonne silver, and 1.226 per cent copper (Assessment Report 30463).

In 1980, the area was prospected as the Two Goat 1-4 claims. In 2008 and 2009, programs of prospecting and geochemical sampling were completed on the area as the Oliver North and Little Oliver properties.

The Oliver property containing the Oliver North showing and the Two Goat showing (Minfile 103I 155) was staked in 2017 by D. Rishy-Maharaj. Prospecting and rock sampling over the Oliver North showing (7 samples) and southern region of the property (8 samples) was achieved in the fall of 2018. The sampling failed to locate rock which contained significant metal content, with the highest copper and gold values at 342 ppm Cu and 234 ppb Au, respectively. (Assessment Report 38019).

EMPR ASS RPT 8133, *30463, 31303, 37700, *38019
EMPR EXPL 1980-399
EMPR MAP 8; 69-1
EMPR OF 2007-4
EMPR P 2007-1 pp. 149-162
GEOS BC RPT 2010-12
GSC MAP 11-1956; 1136A; 1385A